Dreaming of Plentitude, an upcoming drop-in few hours

2 min readJan 21, 2022
Dreaming of Plentitude by Robbie Trevino

In about a few hours, “Dreaming of Plentitude” will be dropped on Jan. 21 by 10 a.m. ET. By Robbie Trevino.

Robbie Trevino is a conceptual artist and illustrator based in Seattle. He specializes in surreal and sci-fi design. And holds several beliefs and among them is

“Every new piece of artwork is essentially a new challenge. It’s an opportunity to create something different.”

His intimate exploration of human psychology birthed the “Dreaming of Plentitude.”

Why should we all anticipate this drop?

It’s an art that took an insight into the AI 2041’s chapter. He gave a new view and story to this period where everyone’s concern is no longer solving the issue of poverty and money-making jobs. But a period where everything becomes easy and with no sense of purpose.

This period gives rise to new issues, challenges, and fear. It’s a period of self-discovery in our new occupation.

So far, we can say truly, this piece of art will be a new challenge and an opportunity to create something different. Let’s watch out!!!!

For information about me, you can follow me on my IG and as well my workspace.




I am a Copywriter and Inspirator. I major in writing emails and tech copies. And as well write inspirational content to bring out the YOU in YOU!